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How it works

How it works - setting up your own One2Remember page

Register your One2Remember page:

Click on 'create new profile' and register a permanent online page, for the person you wish to remember. Create your username and password, and simply follow the prompts.

Create your One2Remember records:

When you receive confirmation of your registration, you can start building the profile, family line and picture gallery. Easy-to-use templates with prompts and useful tips will guide you through the process. Add or delete information anytime you want.

Share with family and friends:

Send your page ID to family and friends to share the special memories and life stories. Order your unique QR code which can be attached to a plaque or memorial, and will link visitors directly to your One2Remember page.

Please note:
Information that you post on One2Remember is in the public domain, much like an article you would place in a newspaper or magazine. Personal information that you would rather keep private should not be included on your pages.